Mr Curran is not a private investigator hoping to uncover a dirty secret but an anthropologist – a social scientist who studies human behaviour through systematic observation – working on behalf of a greeting card company. 柯伦不是什么想要发掘肮脏秘密的私人调查员,而是替一家贺卡公司工作的人类学家。人类学家是指通过系统观察研究人类行为的社会科学家。
Hotaru Amami is a private investigator, also manages her own office. 天海萤是经营天海侦探社的女侦探。
A reporter and a private investigator at News of the World had already been jailed in2007 for hacking into voicemail messages left on mobile telephones. 早在2007年,世界新闻报已有一名记者和私人调查人员因窃听手机上的语音留言而被监禁。
And you guys suggested a private investigator. 而你们联邦的人却建议私人调查。